Employees Helping Each Other

In 2004, Cortland Auxiliary Services' executive director developed an idea to help employees of Cortland Auxiliary in undue financial hardship. In 2005, the IRS approved the Family Fund concept as a charitable organization.
Cortland Auxiliary employees, vendors, and the SUNY Cortland community can make tax-deductible contributions to assist employees with emergency financial situations. Many employees work in entry-level food or retail service positions and do not have reserves in their budget to handle emergencies. This fund can assist when there is a fire or flood to a home, unexpected medical bills, the death of a family member, when they are a victim of a crime, or another unexpected financial emergency.
The fund has raised $35,000 in contributions and has made several disbursements. Unfortunately, there is so much more need than the plan can assist with.
Please consider making a charitable donation to help those who "Serve You Daily." Contact a Family Fund board member, Cortland Auxiliary Services Human Resources at 753-2431, or the union president.